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An Effective Tool For Driving Spontaneous & In-Store Purchases

We previously were only able to measure basic data, such as page views and clicks, from digital catalogs. Today, the digital publishing solutions available in the market make it possible to find metrics and analytic opportunities from this kind of marketing materials, providing proof of conversions — making it a better option for businesses to communicate with their customers.

The following article from CMO validates. It features research findings from Salmat, showing how digital catalogs are highly effective in generating sales, driving unplanned purchases and in-store traffic. And discusses how businesses benefit from its ability to integrate their offers into their ecommerce platform.

Customer engagement specialist, Salmat, unveiled new research today that shows digital catalogues are highly effective in driving in-store traffic and purchases, both planned and spontaneous.

“Printed catalogues are such an effective sales driver for a variety of businesses, especially retailers of all kinds,” said Daniel Salter, National Sales Director at Salmat. “The format translates well into a digital context, attracting the browsing consumer and converting them into a buyer. People generally read catalogues when they are looking to occupy their quiet moments or indulge in some “me time”. This has, and continues to be, done at home, but now with the digital shopping revolution people are browsing at home, work, during their commute and anywhere they might have a spare five minutes to fill. What’s interesting is, just like printed catalogues, digital catalogues drive more in-store purchases than online.”

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