PR Blog

Expect More Programmatic Ads to Pop Up on Mobile

Following triple-digit gains in 2013 and 2014, programmatic ad spending will continue on a solid growth trajectory in 2015, rising nearly 50% to $14.88 billion, or 55.0% of total digital display ad spending, eMarketer estimates.

According to February 2015 research by RBC Capital Markets and Advertising Age, though, programmatic still makes up a small share of marketers’ total budgets. Fully 45% of US marketers put 20% or less of their marketing spend toward such placements, while just 8% invested over 20%. This will change in 2015, however, as nearly two-thirds of respondents intended to significantly or modestly increase their programmatic ad budgets in the coming year.

Mobile will see its fair share of those spending increases; it ranked as the No. 1 area of opportunity for programmatic, cited by 33% of marketers. Video landed in second, called out by one-fifth of respondents, while no other segment saw even half the response rate of mobile.

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